3rd-4th Academics

Bible Class
Chapel, prayer, scripture memorization, and topical media will be used for discussion and spiritual growth with an emphasis on character building and strengthening the student’s bond with God.
In our classroom, everyone is a reader, and we are constantly reading. We take the BJU Press Reading and English curriculum and weave them into our everyday reading practices, to make meaningful connections between Reading and ELA skills and the texts that our students are choosing for themselves. We also work to foster a class of writers who can take the things they see, remember, or wonder about and turn them into polished writing pieces. In addition, we will be using as an online resource with personalized reading profiles.

A-Beka curriculum lays the important ground work for future math success, starting with the understanding of multiplication, and working through many other important math concepts including whole numbers, measures, fractions, algebraic equations, decimals, graphs, and geometry. The curriculum combined with authentic projects and a math notebook help students to develop a full understanding of the math concepts.

Using Bob Jones curriculum in addition to customized projects and papers, all grades will explore a variety of topics dealing with biology, environmental community, the underlying framework of our world, and many more.

Through the BJU Press Heritage Studies curriculum, we will take a deep look into the history of the country that we live in, from its very foundations through the new millennium. We also focus on California history and culminate our studies with a California History Trip to Sacramento once every three years. We combine books, videos, and activities to provide authentic learning experiences for our students.
Our program includes chapel and classroom prayer. The students learn A-Z memory verses, with each verse having hands-on activities, experiments, or poems. They are also introduced to and learn about various Bible stories involving the lifestyle of Jesus.

Students practice fine and gross motor skills utilizing games (basketball, volleyball, and others) and various calisthenics and stretching. Emphasis on improving personal skills and teamwork.
Last Updated 02-17-23